FireGator™ has created a DIY Automatic Fire Suppression System that maintains compliance by following the National Fire Protection Association recommendations.

The National Transportation Safety Board made recommendations in 2019 for all school buses to have an Automatic Fire Suppression System (AFSS) installed. A lot of school buses still do not have the recommended equipment. The National Fire Protection Agency recommends that these systems are installed and inspected by someone who is trained to install the specific system. They also recommend for the system to be inspected every six months. Many of these AFSS are complicated and can require many hours of hands on training.

FireGator™ has rethought the AFSS and made it simple. They have created a “plug and play” system that can be installed after some online training provided by their website Inspections are just as simple. Fire-Gator™ has an online form that can be filled out in about 5 minutes. It requires the inspector to answer a few questions and take some pictures. It can be done easily on a phone or tablet.

To our knowledge, this is the first DIY AFSS that follows the NFPA guidelines This could make it possible for the NTSB recommendations to be implemented by many school districts. FireGator™ makes it possible for the School District’s maintenance department to install and inspect the system themselves. Not only does FireGator™ save the user on inspections and installation, but it is also affordable at under $3,000 per unit.

AFSS are not currently regulated on school buses, but it is the next natural step after the NTSB recommendations. Currently, the NFPA recommends that an AFSS should detect, automatically discharge, notify of discharge, and have the option of manual activation. Some systems will leave off manual activation or means of notification to cut costs. When the bus industry becomes regulated, systems that do not meet the requirements may have to be completely redone.

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Our DIY Automatic Fire Suppression Systems are great for: 

  • RVs
  • Enclosed Trailers
  • Semi Trucks
  • Battery Enclosures
  • Buses
  • Cars and Trucks
  • Other Types of Vehicles and Enclosures
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